
How do you rediscover games that are boring and familiar?

Like any other hobby, computer games and https://telegram-store.com/catalog/product-category/channels/games sooner or later become boring. Most often this happens unexpectedly. We go away for a weekend or a vacation, and returning, we find that we no longer want to sit for your favorite PC, “box” or “flat”. But many experts believe that games are a great hobby […]


Why are game developers trying to fight the sale of game items for real money?

  Real Money Trade (RMT) is a phrase, or term, that appeared relatively recently, in the early days of computer games. As the saying goes, demand breeds supply. In the game world https://telegram-store.com/catalog/product-category/channels/games, there was a demand for the superiority of others, respectively appeared and traders services designed for this purpose. True, the free trade […]